June 20, 2010

True love is when you shed a tear and still want him.
Its when he ignores you and you still love him.
Its when he loves another but you still smile and say :
"I am so happy for you"

-amanda erika-


  1. Nice Poem sist... ^_^

    kalo kata penyanyi2 jadul mah "cinta tak harus memiliki"

    kalo kata sting sih "if You Love Somebody, set them Free "

    btw... i'll follow your blogg yakh.. salam kenal uga dech n_n

  2. sama sama bro hehe :)

    ah iya, betul sekali, tak harus memiliki, ikhlaskan saja ya kalau nggak bisa memiliki, daripada maksain diri tapi malah sakit. hehe.

    udah ku follow balik. thank you bro. :)
    rajin2 blogwalking ke celotehjerapah yaaa :D
